On Becoming a member:
To join send me an email. Put "Join the Atheist Blogroll" in the subject line so that your email gets past my spam filter. In the body of the email indicate that you are an atheist or agnostic blogger and include be sure to include your URL. I will add your blog after I have verified that it meets the minimum requirements. Please allow me some to respond. I have a real job too!Resource blogs and website:
I’ll be happy to post a link to your atheist/agnostic resource on the resources page. I will also add it to the full list of Atheist blogs, but make your blog qualifies as a resource.
The rules are simple, to join you should have a blog and…
Your should be an atheist, agnostic, or skeptic. There is no requirement that your blog be exclusively atheist or agnostic. Many members write about photography, science, or what they had for dinner. I write about many things on my personal blog Deep Thoughts, atheism is only one of many of my passions.Promotional Introductions
If you would like an introduced to the Atheist blogging community, please write a few short paragraphs which describe your blog's focus and and point-of-view. Email it to me using "Introduction on the Atheist Blogroll" as the subject line. See this post for a good example or check out The Atheist Blogroll in the links on my sidebar.A note on Blogrolling.com
Atheist Blogroll was hosted by Blogrolling.com. Unfortunately, they shut down their service in September of 2010. This leaves us with no ability to serve the blogroll. We offer a series of badges that link back to the full list of members as an alternative to no list at all. Enjoy your browsing.
Anyone who writes an atheist blog should join this blogroll. Anyone looking for a comprehensive list of atheist blogs need look no further.
Now if only I could figure out how to get the rolling blogroll into my wordpress sidebar. I'd even settle for the small blogroll icon.
Hi, I am having trouble getting the marquee blogroll to show in my sidebar, where do I post the code it just doesnt seem to work. Please email me back. PS I'd love to join the blogroll, my blog is http://wsogmm42.blogspot.com
Hey! How come the full list stops at W!! There used to be quite a few of us Zzzz's, e.g., my zen of zero blog at http://zenofzero.blogspot.com !!!
My blog doesn´t show anymore on the blogroll (even though I still have the banner). My blog has been quiet for a while now, yes, though I have returned to the land of the blog. ;-)
JUTONIE —> Já Usaram Todos Os Nomes… Inclusive Este!
Um site com conteúdos variados, desde dica de modas para homens e mulheres até tudo o que você deve aprender sobre o mundo do Direito para não ser mais lesado.
@DM Come on spamming isn't going to get us to convert.
does anyone know the expected turnaround time, if one exists, for getting added to this list? thx
This blog is really good. btw, i'm an atheist too and i also have a blog for atheist. please visit http://turnedatheist.blogspot.com/p/sh.html and feel free to share your story as an atheist. thanks!
I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim.I am not an Atheist or Agnostic or Skeptic; though I respect them and would like to discuss with them; if they stick to reason as far as reason could go.
Great idea!
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