Introducing the Secularity

Please join me in welcoming one of the newest members of the Atheist Blogroll, The Secularity.

I'm Liv Jones, author of "Sheep Under the Sea", and I'd like to share with you The Secularity, a unique blog experience written from our interesting perspective. It's a open community, from many authors, that discusses news, politics, and religion, in real-time- generally biased towards atheism. Most all our authors are Atheist, though we do encourage, any secular belief to contribute.

Personally, I'm an Atheist who has started to wonder if she's a Christian. I'll never believe in the supernatural, but I believe the idea that doing good in this world is the best thing we can do as a society. Perhaps, as Elizabeth Gilbert once wrote, "God dwells within" me? Maybe if we replaced God in our prayers, as just a conversation with ourselves; explained as our mental workings simply trying to figure out our reality- then religion, doesn't seem so crazy. Of course many disagree, and that's the beauty of our little website which we'd welcome anyone who's interested to participate in.

So drop on by and visit! We'd love how to see how you see the world!

Are you interested in becoming a member? Visit the Atheist Blogroll for more information. or visit the the full Atheist Blogroll membership list.

Technorati Tags: Atheism,The Atheist Blogroll

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